STRATEGIC PLAN 2023 — 2028

During its quarterly meeting on January 24th, 2023, the MassHire Metro South/West Workforce Board adopted a new five-year strategic plan for the region.

Our plan was developed under the guidance of Ann Budner of ABudner Strategy Consulting, with the assistance of Jay Vogt of Peoplesworth, who facilitated a comprehensive needs assessment of the organization. The Strategic Planning Committee was made up of the following individuals: 

  • Mary Lou Regan, Program Manager, Beth Israel Lahey Health Workforce Development
  • Kevin O’Connor, Director, Framingham Adult ESL
  • Jason Palitsch, Executive Director, 495/MetroWest Partnership
  • David Podell, President, Massachusetts Bay Community College
  • Susan Medeiros, Framingham Area Director, Mass Rehabilitation Commission
  • Louise Meyer, CEO Workforce Representative, Metro South/West Workforce Board
  • Henry Bryson, Deputy Director, Metro South/West Workforce Board
  • Greg Bunn, Executive Director, Metro South/West Workforce Board

Planning Process

To create this plan, the Strategic Planning Committee worked both in person and virtually in four phases:

   1) Initial planning and development of guiding principles

   2) Virtual needs assessment culminating in an in-person meeting of the entire workforce board

   3) Discussion of goals and strategies with the planning committee

   4) Finalize the plan with the Board staff

Plan Overview

The plan provides an overview and history of the Board along with labor market information relevant to the forty-three cities and towns that make up our region. The plan highlights key strategic issues and contains a summary of the Needs Assessment, as well as new Guiding Principles for the organization (Mission, Vision, Values). Four Strategic Goals are identified as vital to the Board’s success, each with specific strategies and tactics.

Guiding Principles

The plan includes a refreshed Mission, Vision and Values statements for the Board:

Mission — To lead the development of a dynamic workforce system for our region that advances both workers and businesses.

Vision — We envision a region in which all residents and employers contribute to and benefit from a strong local economy.


  • Collaboration: We believe in the power of partnership and streamlined integration of services.
  • Respect: We are committed to the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace, and to understanding the unique requirements and goals of the businesses and people we serve.
  • Reliability: We build trust by consistently delivering high quality services to workers and employers at every opportunity and in every interaction.
  • Ingenuity: We leverage flexibility, expertise, and knowledge, embracing emerging challenges and circumstances.

Strategic Goals

Our plan consists of four Strategic Goals determined to be central the Board’s long-term success:

   1) Develop skilled workers to build the region’s present and future workforce.

   2) Increase employer involvement in the Metro South/West workforce system.

   3) Increase awareness of Metro South/West and of its value as a regional resource.

   4) Strengthen Metro South/West’s internal capacity to function as a regional innovation hub.